Ahh.. the end of another working week in the Cook Islands. I guess I should explain what it is that I'm doing here. Still finishing up the last semester of my program, I'm interning with one of the government ministries in water resource management, which is relevant to my studies. Basically I'm trying to engage with people from all over the island to talk about what the future of water and health will look like for the Cook Islands, and what we need to start doing now.
The interesting part of managing natural resources in a small island setting is that any changes you make to the environment has an immediate impact. For example, if there's an unusually heavy rainfall and papaya plantations are laying fertilizers on their fields, it gets washed into the lagoon, causing a spike in algae blooms, threatening beaches and livelihoods because the country is so dependant on tourism. That's why its essential for people across different sectors communicating so they realize how their activities affect, or are affected by, their neighbours. Fortunately this is a place that has close community ties, making this easy to do, most of the time.
Meeting people from all different backgrounds is the best part of my job. Where else in the world can you call up a department minister totally out of a blue, and then sit down for a meeting with them later that day? People here are just so approachable and friendly. I get to talk to schoolchildren, traditional leaders, landowners and lots of other people working in government. Water is important to different people in different ways, and everyone is more than happy to share their point of view.
One thing I didn't expect is how my job would continue to follow me after working hours. Being a tall asian girl with a Canadian accent makes me stand out here, a lot, so people are always asking stopping me to ask what I'm doing here. There have been instances where I'm picking up something at a local shop, and the owners will take me to their house to show me the discoloured water and low pressure coming out of their taps. Other times I will explain what I'm working on, and people look at me and think I'm just attached to another aid project, paid to give their opinion and leave. I've talked to taro planters who have thrown f-bombs at me, telling me that no government should ever tell him what to do with his land. All of these opinions are valid though, and its mostly good-natured. Sometimes I'll be walking along the main road and people will ask me if I've fixed all the country's water problems yet, and I'll laugh and say I'm working on it.
I know that the time I'll spend here is relatively short, and realistically maybe I won't have that much of an impact. The one thing I try to do is keep an open mind and try to listen (harder than you think, consider how much I talk!) and appreciate this experience.
Awesome post, V-Ho.
I would have enjoyed seeing your face, and the horrific shock, when the f-bombs were directed your way.
his blog is very nice.I like its blog.
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