Thursday, January 20, 2011


One of the best things to happen during our stay is that in mid-January my parents' visas expire. What does this mean? Turkey requires visitors to leave the country every three months in order for their visas to be renewed upon their return. In other words...the Ho's are going on Ho-liday! Okay, sorry, I'll stop with the ho-rrible Ho-jokes.

So what does a Ho family vacation entail? Well, lots of eating for one thing. My father measures time in intervals of snacks and coffee breaks. This will give us ample opportunity to sample all of the deliciousness that Istanbul, London and Rome have to offer. Ho trips also require lots of walking. Endless hours of walking. Some of our friends who have accompanied us on past family trips have discovered this the hard way. We walk everywhere, rain or shine. Some may argue that this is because the best way to discover a city is on foot; I argue that my father is cheap. Only under certain conditions will we take public transport (free being the major factor) and under no circumstances will we ever take a taxi.

We will see if these traditions will continue to be upheld for the next few weeks as we traipse through select cities in Europe and technically Asia (Istanbul is half Europe, half in Asia).


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